My name is Gunther Beatty. Currently swimming in Arch Viz; secretly a Jack-Of-All-3D-Trades. Aiming to sail into Game Art and Design.Level 6 Wizard who first rolled the dice when he was seven years old; now cannot get enough time in for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons.
I am an artist who works in 3D. Currently use 3DS Max, working on learning Blender. I also develop and learn in Unreal Engine 5. Currently most experienced in Environmental and Architectural design. Preparing to learn better shaders for Live Render engines. Sometimes tapping into VFX for games, character modeling, and animation.
Feats & Fantasies
I am the voice and player for Sylack the "Dragonborn" in the series Cataclysm Rising. Sylack is a lizardfolk who was raised in the circus, but through the teachings of a Dragonborn Paladin, learned to become a Champion of Bahamut and go on his own adventures. Though, under the delusion that he too is a dragonborn, Sylack has embraced his role in the chaotic group he found himself in, and will protect them at any cost. A force to be reckoned with, he shows all foes what it means to be blessed by the powerful Bahamut, God of all Good Dragons.I am also the Dungeon Master, Voice of Many, and determiner of Gestalted Fate in the series Trivium of Time. A unique adventure with normal D&D heroes given heightened powers, and thrown into conflicts and encounters larger than themselves. What they know is they have power and morality; but it is what they do not know that will test them to their very limits!
Contact Me
You are free to contact me or add me through any of the social icons below. Please keep in mind that some of these prevent immediate, direct contact and may require some time before I see and respond to them.I reserve the right to deny any communication requests I receive.